Welcome to my website!

My name is Aisling  (pronounced Ashling). I have practiced the gift of being a  Psychic Medium for over twenty years . I live and work in the South Jersey/Philadelphia area. I was born and raised in Ireland and moved to The United States at the age of nineteen. In my early twenties I started training under my old friend and mentor Tom Halliwell. He taught a psychic development class at Camden County College for many years and I am blessed to have had him as a teacher. 

I am clairaudient, which means I primarily hear Spirits but I do also see and feel them. I started seeing Spirits around the age of three, especially angels in Church. I rarely told anyone but had many visits that seemed completely normal to me, until I got older and realized that not everyone was doing the same thing!

I am certified as a Master level Reiki Practitioner. This type of Energy work is wonderful for helping with everyday stress, as well as releasing depression and anxiety. The theory is that emotional blockages create physical illness, so staying energetically clear is a big help to maintaining a healthy body.

I also trained as a Hypnotherapist which is a great way to quit smoking, cope with stress or fulfill a curiosity about past lives! 

I'm open to bartering with people in the same field or those who cannot afford to pay. 

I work from my home, so I ask for privacy and respect for my family, no "drive by's" please!

Call ( 856 ) 296-4592 for an appointment.